DAMLab Makerspace

Make, build, break ... breakthrough

The DAMlab makerspace is the place to get your hands dirty. To try out your ideas, to see what works and what can become a product that advances your business plans.

A partnership between the College of Business and the College of Engineering at Oregon State University, this lab in Buxton Hall is full of cool toys for you to figure out how to use. Or to put it another way — the DAMlab gives you hands-on experience with design and prototyping tools while enabling you and your business team to realize your best business ideas.

DAMLab Makersapce

The Tools

The DAMlab provides access to a wide range of tools, enabling concept and product innovation from design through manufacture. For example, if you're interested in the apparel industry, you can take advantage of equipment including embroidery, sublimation and direct-to-garment printing. Other tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC mills give you experience with a wide range of manufacturing methods. 

On-site computers are loaded with software licensed for student use, including

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) for graphic design and manipulation
  • Various 3D printing softwares including Cura, Slic3r and Repetier Host
  • Janome Embird for embroidery design and stitch generation

Student Use

First-year students in the Colleges of Business and Engineering living in Buxton, Hawley, Poling and Weatherford Halls are given 24/7 access to the DAMlab. Additionally, students within the InnovationX Launch Academy and relevant student clubs are invited to make use of the DAMlab and its resources.

Clubs affiliated with the DAMlab include:

  • Entrepreneurship Club
  • Robotics Club
  • 3D Printing Club
  • Inventors Enterprise Club


The DAMlab is staffed by student employees from 5 to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday. These student technicians also work by appointment throughout the week.

To submit a staffing request, or report a problem to the DAMlab staff, please use the Support Form.
