Tutoring Resources

Access the Private tutor List

COB Private Tutors (for a fee):

The College of Business (COB) maintains this private tutor list for the convenience of students seeking help with various business and design-related subjects. We do not screen or vet the tutors listed. If you contact a tutor below, you assume full responsibility of determining that they meet your qualifications and they are someone with which you are comfortable. Tutors and tutees own the entire tutoring experience and need to take full responsibility for all aspects of this experience.

This list of potential tutors will be updated weekly. The expectation is that these tutors are in the general Corvallis area; however, many tutors are available for virtual tutoring if you ask. Tutors are not allowed to tutor for sections of a course for which they also serve as a Teaching Assistant (TA).

International students have immigration rules which do not allow them to receive payment for working as a private tutor.  If you are an international student, you are not allowed to tutor in this way.  For more information, contact an international advisor or review this.

To be added to this list as a tutor, complete this surveyTo be removed from the tutor list, complete this survey

To help make the tutoring experience work smoothly, read these materials before starting the tutoring process:


For Tutors


For Tutees


Virtual Tutoring Resources


Other private tutoring resources:

Free Tutoring Services:

OSU Corvallis campus tutoring areas:
(free, hours vary, some available virtually)


Questions? Please email Brenda Sallee, College of Business advisor.