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J. Elston, Funding Gaps in Germany Industry, Funding Gap Controversies Conference Plenary Session. Warwick, England, 1999.
J. Elston, Fulbright in Austria, 70 Years of Bright Minds: 70th Anniversary Celebration. Webinar online, 2021.
D. Berger and Pukthuanthong, K., Fragility, stress, and market returns, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2016.
J. Elston, Firm Growth and Gibrat’s Law, Colloquium for Young Scientists on Understanding Firm Growth. Stockholm Sweden, 2010.
D. Audretsch and Elston, J., Financing the German Mittelstand, Small Business Economics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 97-110, 1997.
J. Elston and Audretsch, D. B., Financing the Entrepreneurial Decision: An Empirical Approach Using Experimental Data on US High Technology Entrepreneurs, Small Business Economics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 209-222, 2011.
J. Elston, Financing the Entrepreneurial Decision: An Empirical Approach Using Experimental Data on US High Technology Entrepreneurs, Annual Ringberg Conference. Germany, 2009.
J. Elston, Financing the Entrepreneurial Decision: An Empirical Approach Using Experimental Data on US High Technology Entrepreneurs, London: , 2013.
J. Elston, Financing Technology Growth in the 21st Century: Germany in Transition, Presentation at California State University - Fullerton. Fullerton, CA, 2003.
J. Elston, Financing Technology Growth in the 21st Century: Germany in Transition, Presentation at San Jose State University. TX, 2003.
J. Elston, Financing Technology Growth in the 21st Century: Germany in Transition, Presentation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Albany, NY, 2003.
J. Elston, Financing Technology Growth in the 21st Century: Can Policy Make a Difference?, Presentation at Geoge Mason University. Fairfax, VA, 2003.
J. Elston, Financing Entrpreneurship, Max Planck Workshop on Entrepreneurship. Jena Germany, 2006.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Meeting Global Challenges: US-German Innovation Policy. Washington DC, 2010.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, The Entrepreneurial Process. Jena Germany, 2008.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, Research Brown Bag. OSU Cascades, 2007.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, Ringberg Conference on Strategic Entrepreneurship. Tegernsee Germany, 2007.
D. Berger, Financial turbulence and Beta estimation, Applied Financial Economics, vol. 23, pp. 251-263, 2013.
S. Bond, Elston, J., Mairesse, J., and Mulkay, B., Financial Factors and Investment in Belgium, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom: A Comparison Using Company Panel Data, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 153-165, 2003.
J. Elston, Finance, Profitability and Control: An Evaluation of German Bank Influence, Presentation at the University of San Diego. San Diego, CA, 2003.
R. Johnson, Finance for Sourcing Professionals, Training Program for Hewlett Packard. H-P sites in Corvallis, Oregon; Dublin Ireland; Aguadilla Puerto Rico; and Singapore, 2000.
J. Elston, Finance, Control and Profitability: An Evaluation of German Bank Influence, American Economic Association Meetings. San Francisco CA, 1996.
R. S. Chirinko and Elston, J., Finance, Control and Profitability: An Evaluation of German Bank Influence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 69-88, 2006.
J. Elston, Finance, Control and Profitability: An Evaluation of German Bank Influence, Financial Institutions Workshop. Pasadena CA, 1996.
C. - C. Teng, Li, S., and Yang, J., Family control, external governance mechanisms, and dividend payouts, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 79, pp. 198-209, 2021.
J. Kalodimos and Leavitt, K., Experimental Shareholder Activism: A Novel Approach to Organizational Research, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 120, 2020.
J. Elston, Rondi, L., and Bhattacharyya, N., Executive Compensation and Agency Issues in Italy, International Journal of Corporate Governance, vol. 5, no. 3/4, 2014.
J. Elston and Goldberg, L., Executive Compensation and Agency Costs in Germany, Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1391-1410, 2003.
J. Elston and Goldberg, L., Executive Compensation and Agency Costs in Germany, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics annual meeting. Dublin Ireland, 2001.
J. Elston, Executive Compensation and Agency Costs, Western Economic Association annual meeting. San Diego CA, 1999.
J. Elston, Weidinger, A., and Widmer, M., An Examination of the Relationship Between Size and Growth of Listed Firms in the United Arab Emirates, 7th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE). Oxford, UK, 2018.
S. Findlay and Mathew, P., An Examination of the Differential Impact of Regulation FD on Analysts' Forecast Accuracy, Financial Review, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 9-31, 2006.
J. Elston, Evidence on the Dynamic Nature of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance in China, International Journal of Corporate Governance, vol. 7, no. 3, 2016.
J. Elston, Evidence on the Dynamic Nature of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance in China, Corporate Governance. Copenhagen, 2018.
J. Elston, Entrepreneurship in China, Annual Academy of International Business Conference -SE. Orlando, FL, 2011.
J. Elston and Chen, S., Entrepreneurial motives and characteristics: An analysis of small restaurant owners, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 35, pp. 294-305, 2013.
