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T. Choi and Wu, Z., Taking the Leap from Dyads to Triads: Buyer-Supplier Relationships in Supply Network., Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 263-266, 269-270, 2009.
R. Reitsma and Marshall, B., TeachEngineering: K-12 Teacher Use Study, Special Workshop on TeachEngineering/GK-12 Integration. Boulder, CO., 2009.
D. Berger and Turtle, H. J., Time variability in market risk aversion, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 285-307, 2009.
A. Vestal and Tzabbar, D., Top management team human capital and strategic exploration: The moderating role of CEO power, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, IL, 2009.
S. Kaza, Xu, J., Marshall, B., and Chen, H., Topological Analysis of Criminal Activity Networks: Enhancing Transportation Security, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 83 - 91, 2009.
M. Liu, Fan, S., Zhao, J. L., and Dou, W., Transformation Framework of Conceptual to Logical Business Process Models, China Journal of Information Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, 2009.
T. Choi and Wu, Z., Triads in Supply Networks: Theorizing Buyer–Supplier–Supplier Relationships, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 8-25 JSCM Best Paper Runner-up, 2009.
S. A. Zahra, Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D., and Shulman, J. M., Typology of Social Entrepreneurs: Motives, Search Processes and Ethical Challenges, Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 519 - 532, 2009.
K. Leavitt, Mitchell, T., and Peterson, J., Theory Pruning: Strategies for Reducing our Dense Theoretical Landscape, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 13, pp. 644-667, 2010.
M. Pagell, Wu, Z., and Wasserman, M., Thinking Differently About Purchasing Portfolios: An Assessment of Sustainable Sourcing, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 57-73, 2010.
D. M. Townsend, Busenitz, L. W., and Arthurs, J., To start or not to start: Outcome and ability expectations in the decision to start a new venture, Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 192, 2010.
Y. Ling, Baldridge, D., and Craig, J., Toward An Understanding Of Issue Selling By Successor Generation Members In Family Firms, 2010 FAMILY ENTERPRISE RESEARCH CONFERENCE April 16 - 18, 2010 Dreams Resort Hotel Cancun, Mexico. Cancun, Mexico, 2010.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Toward Greater Understanding Of The Impact Of Receiving Accommodation On A Disabled Employee’s Team-Member Exchange Relationships, Annual Meeting. Montreal, 2010.
H. Pesch, Towards an understanding of the dynamics of fraud in organizations using an agent-based model, presented at the 2010, University of Illinois Symposium on Audit Research, 2010.
P. - H. Hsieh, Tales from the Tail: Robust Estimation of Moments of Environmental Data with One-Sided Detection Limits, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 4266 - 4277, 2012.
R. Reitsma, Zarske, M., Sullivan, J., Klenk, P., Forbes, M., and Carlson, D., The TeachEngineering Digital Library: Improving Access to the P-12 Engineering Conversation, in Proceedings 2nd P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, 2012.
J. Jia, Wu, Z., and Gosling, J., Tetra Pak: Sustainablility Initiatives in China, ECCH Case #613-005-8.. 2012.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Mower, J., Titanic style - Dress and fashion on the voyage, SDHE Historic Textiles and Apparel Collection Display Case Exhibit. Milam, 2012.
H. Jiannan Wang, Li, J., and Bai, X., Towards an Intelligent Approach to Extracting Data for Process Mining, SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'12). Orlando, FL, USA, 2012.
S. Fan, Sia, C. - L., and J. Zhao, L., Towards Collaboration Virtualization Theory, The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2012.
J. Cho, Park, I., and Lee, E. T., Transformational Leadership in Software Testing Teams: A Virtual Team Setting,, International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing. Memphis, TN, 2012.
C. Akroyd and Kober, R., Trust and control: The case of a high-growth firm, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 2012.
T. Paterson, Taking Human Sustainability Seriously: Exploring Individual and Organizational Enablers of Thriving, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
I. Scott, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Creating a Twenty-First Century Public Utility Commission, 2013 Annual Meeting. Boston, 2013.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
R. Garrett and Neubaum, D., Top Management Support and Initial Strategic Assets: A Dependency Model of Internal Corporate Venture Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 896 - 915, 2013.
Y. Kim, Yan, T., and Choi, T., Toward a Theory of Nexus Supplier, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Denver, CO, 2013.
Z. Wu and Choi, T. Y., Triadic Relations in a Game of Pachisi, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 305-312, 2013.
I. Scott, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Adapting Public Utility Commissions to Meet Twenty-First Century Climate Challenges, Harvard Environmental Law Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2014.
T. - Y. Tung and Burns, L., A Theoretical Model of the Too-Much-Choice Effect, Global Marketing Conference. Singapore, 2014.
K. Leavitt, This friendly world: How lucky and a non-adversarial worldview can enhance your productivity and happiness., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: Impact of Psychological Capital and Supervisor Support, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2014.
I. Milosevic, Paterson, T., and A Bass, E., Thriving under Pressure: An Exploration of Research Productivity in Business Ph.D. Programs, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014.
J. F. Veiga, Baldridge, D., and Markoczy, L., Toward Greater Understanding of the Pernicious Effects of Workplace Envy, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2014.
S. Pathak, Wu, Z., and Johnson, D., Towards a Structural View of Co-opetition in Supply Networks, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 245-267, 2014.
S. Cook, Watson, A., and Parker, S., A Twenty Year Examination of the Perceptions of Business School Interns: A Longitudinal Case Study, Journal of Education for Business, vol. 90, pp. 103-110, 2014.
C. Newman, Turri, A. M., Howlett, E., and Watson, A., Twenty Years of Country-of-Origin Food Labeling Research: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Food Marketing Systems, Journal of Macromarketing, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 505-519, 2014.
